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I can't do this again


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I just got the news this morning that my mom has breast cancer.  Fuck Cancer!!! In 2008 it took my Dad, 2013 it took Tim.  I know lots of women survive breast cancer and it seems to be caught early but right now all I hear is CANCER.  I can't do this again.  I'm not strong enough.  My kids can't do this again. FUCK!!!

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We know each other's pain too well.  That pain is so bad.  I feel the same way; I can't do this again. Steve had cancer of the bone marrow and my mom has leukemia, plus other heath issues.  Trying, we need a very big group hug with lots of support.

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Big prayers and healing thoughts.  I don't know if this is any comfort, but while pancreatic took my wife, she did breast cancer twice and made it through.  Second time around, the treatments seemed to have improved significantly (targeted hormonal therapy, etc).  It still sucks hard, but early stage breast is very treatable these days. 

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Thank you all for your support and prayers.  I am headed to my mom's house today and preparing to go with her to the surgeon tomorrow.  I have my notebook with my list of questions just as I did when I went through this with my Dad, my son and with DH.  I'm good with researching and a plan to focus on but I have no idea how I'm going to hold myself together when I see her.  I keep telling myself this is not the same as the cancer DH and my Dad had but all of the emotions are getting churned up again.  I have to be strong for her and for my kids so I really appreciate being able to admit how weak I am here. 


Deep breaths, here we go again.

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Hey T..... I really don't think I'd call it weak Dear Lady!  You are doing it for your Mom and that makes you strong! If you were weak you wouldn't be doing this! (and I know people who are weak and walk away) We're here for you to pour out your struggle and angst!! You Rock T!!

I'm so sorry you have to go through this at the same time. 

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I just got the news this morning that my mom has breast cancer.  Fuck Cancer!!! In 2008 it took my Dad, 2013 it took Tim.  I know lots of women survive breast cancer and it seems to be caught early but right now all I hear is CANCER.  I can't do this again.  I'm not strong enough.  My kids can't do this again. FUCK!!!

I too have a pathological hatred of this pernicious disease!! My beloved's best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer in March, and she had the operation to remove the tumour in April. Two weeks later, she noticed a mole on her calf muscle which she asked to be tested, and yes, it was melanoma - so off it came too. She's now halfway through her radiation round for her breast cancer and feedback from her oncologist is good.


Wishing you and your mum all the best...


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The doctors appointment went as well as we could've hoped for.  She will only need a lumpectomy, no chemo, possibly radiation but not a definite.  The surgeon was very positive of a good prognosis.  Mom and I both felt relief and a sense of real hope which feels very different than the false hope I felt with my Dad and DH when they were diagnosed with impossible odds.


Her surgery is scheduled the same day as my son's annual colonoscopy and endoscopy so my sister will have to take her.  Might as well get all of the anxiety over in one day I guess! 


I hated to leave her to come home.  She has lots of great friends who will keep her busy while she waits for surgery but knowing she goes to bed and wakes up alone is hard.  That's something my sister just can't understand, the loneliness of not having that one person who puts you above everything else by your side.


Thanks for the support and for giving me a safe place to talk about how hard this is.

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I should've known that nothing is ever as simple as it seems with cancer.  They had mom get a second biopsy because of a shadow on her mammogram film and it came back as cancer also.  Now her lumpectomy for Monday has been cancelled and she will need a mastectomy.  She will find out more tomorrow when she sees the doctor and thankfully my sister will be able to go with her this time.  I am a total mess.  My mom is a widow also and I hate that she will go through such a difficult surgery and follow up treatment with my Dad by her side.  My sister keeps saying that she has us and friends but what she doesn't understand is what it is like to go to bed alone at night, when all of the fears and emotions of the day catch up with you and there is no one there to hold you. 


Mom is strong and independent, people in my life probably describe me that way too, but I know that when the lights go out and I'm in bed alone, I am weak and vulnerable and miss those strong comforting arms around me. 

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I'm sorry, Trying.


And yes, you have some sense that your Mom is going to bed alone and scared.  I hope that treatment can end with the mastectomy.  When I think back to when I had my cancer surgery after John died, I knew that what I wanted most was to be with the person I couldn't have.  That being said, my sister and some friends did come through for me, but I also stubbornly pushed myself to be independent quite quickly. 





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