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Everything posted by lcoxwell

  1. Sadly, after my surprisingly meteoric rise to the top, given my limited knowledge of the teams this year, I appear to have not so surprisingly slipped in the rankings, just a bit. Upon discovering that I am no longer in the lead, I initially thought about doing this.... But, being the eternal optimist that I am, I figure I would be much better off taking this attitude..... I would like to include a special thanks to AC and DIAH, who helped me figure out this mysterious and magical gif thing. You guys rock! So, while you all are watching the games, I shall be in the corner, doing a "Happy Dance", like this.....
  2. I joined YWBB at only two weeks out. Deeply grieving, I didn't bother taking the time to come up with something original. I was just so desperate to get registered, and the sooner, the better. So, I just used the first initial, last name that I have so often had to use for work. At first, I thought I could go back later and change it, but then, I ended up leaving it as it is, because my husband took so much pride in our name. He used to tell the boys all the time, "No matter what, a man will always have two things in this world: his name and his word. Both should mean something to you."
  3. Okay, people, how the heckimoly (yes, I realize this is not a real word) do you all imbed gifs into your responses? I want to add one, but am apparently too ignorant to figure it out, without some tutelage first.
  4. After being sick for a few weeks, I ventured out and took a walk to a local restaurant for breakfast this morning. It felt really good to be out in the sunshine, breathing fresh air. (Of course, it also helped, being with New Guy, and stopping for a kiss every now and then, but THAT belongs in another forum).
  5. Apparently, I missed this thread on the old board. Ya'lls pics are a hoot! Thanks for the laughs, this morning. Here is my contribution. Since I really don't have that many pictures of myself in digital form, I am choosing to share a "dork pic" of my Kenneth. This one was taken during a family gathering, and he was medicated and silly. I believe this one was taken right about the time he looked at one of the boys and said, "You know, I could kill you, boy." He said this for he reason, AT ALL. Then, he started laughing hysterically.
  6. Thank you for sharing this. I don't think I have ever heard this song before, but I like it.
  7. That is absolutely awesome! I am so glad that you were able to find a way to take care of your cat, and that it wasn't one of those "too good to be true" situations.
  8. I need to figure out how to post videos, so I can join the fun. Of course, this will have to wait until later, because my lunch break is ending and I am kinda, sorta, expected to do my job and educate young minds. Why must school districts have such high expectations, I ask you? Why? :-\
  9. This (the silence) was, by far, one of the hardest things I had to adjust to, especially in the early days, but again around 3-4 months. At one year out, now, I still have times when the silence reaches in and tears me apart.
  10. All I have to say is: My students rock! (If their picks keep winning, I may have to buy them pizza, or something).
  11. DIAH, I LOVE your post (the one with Monty Python, not the one lamenting your bad day yesterday)! That is one of my favorite movies ever!
  12. While I am saddened over the loss of YWBB, I am truly thankful for this new board and the "fresh start" it has given some people. I am especially thankful that you (and others in similar circumstances) have the opportunity to be free of past agony. There is definitely something to be said about letting go of painful experiences, thoughts, and words in our pasts.
  13. No alcohol. I needs my chocolate! Speaking of chocolate and doing without.... No chocolate for a year, or no ice cream for a year?
  14. I want to take a moment to thank those of you, who have worked so hard and put forth such tireless efforts, to make sure that as many people as possible were informed of the closing of YWBB and that they knew about our new "home". While I was not in a position to help, it is awe-inspiring to see all that you have accomplished in such a short amount of time. I would also like to add that I have been touched by, and shall be eternally grateful to, those of you who reached out to me personally, who made sure I wasn't left behind, who helped me get registered here (when I was having difficulties), and who made sure I did not lose the support of this amazing community, particularly given the timing, which was so close to the one year anniversary of my Kenneth's death. You were there for me, during some of my darkest days, so far.
  15. While I was posting this on the other thread, this one was started here. Please forgive me for posting twice, but i think it fits better here. "This breaks my heart. Between work, being sick, the anniversary of Kenneth's death, his birthday, the anniversary of when he was buried, coming here (because I have been grieving hard and needed all of you), I managed to have time to save my own personal posts on topics I started, but I had not had a chance to save other posts I made or the responses to my topics. I wish I had had enough time to save everything I wanted to save. So many of you have lifted me up and encouraged me, advised me and educated me, inspired me and brought me through my darkest days. I desperately wish I could have had time to save your words to me, to have reviewed favorite threads that had meant so much to me, or just to be able to look back again, one last time. I had planned to try to copy and save more tonight. Sadly, I had an incredibly long day today and did not make it home, until late. I forgot about the time difference, or I might have tried to plan things differently. I just tried to log on, and saw the message. It was like a terrible, horrible, kick in the gut. :'("
  16. This breaks my heart. Between work, being sick, the anniversary of Kenneth's death, his birthday, the anniversary of when he was buried, coming here (because I have been grieving hard and needed all of you), I managed to have time to save my own personal posts on topics I started, but I had not had a chance to save other posts I made or the responses to my topics. I wish I had had enough time to save everything I wanted to save. So many of you have lifted me up and encouraged me, advised me and educated me, inspired me and brought me through my darkest days. I desperately wish I could have had time to save your words to me, to have reviewed favorite threads that had meant so much to me, or just to be able to look back again, one last time. I had planned to try to copy and save more tonight. Sadly, I had an incredibly long day today and did not make it home, until late. I forgot about the time difference, or I might have tried to plan things differently. I just tried to log on, and saw the message. It was like a terrible, horrible, kick in the gut. :'(
  17. I had a very stressful situation arise at work, today. One that, in earlier months, would have driven me to tears or caused a panic attack. While it upset me, and I am still worried about how I am going to get the situation resolved, I managed to take deep breaths and carry on with my teaching for the remainder of the day, without falling completely apart and without having to take medication for anxiety.
  18. There has been so much research on the mind-body connection. It is amazing how things that we bottle up inside, or don't consciously think about, can bubble to the surface through physical pains and illness. I hope the writing helps, and I hope you feel better soon.
  19. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us, and you did it so beautifully. From time to time, I think there must be something really wrong with me, that I haven't gone through more of Kenneth's things. It is helpful to know that there are others, who have left his side of the closet untouched. When it comes to driving past the accident scene, there is no rush and nothing that says you have to drive past there, if you have managed to avoid the area for 16 months. Just do what is best for you. If you reach a point, where you feel you need to go there and that it would help you heal in some way , then do it. If you continue to feel that going there will increase your pain, or return you to a darker place in your grieving, then stay away.
  20. It is so good to see you again, though I am very sorry that you have had a difficult few weeks and that you are facing the anniversary of losing your love at the same time. I'm also sorry that the actions of one ignorant drunkard had to tear up your life so completely and that you no longer have your other half to share you pain and fear with. Anyway, sending you tight, tight cyber hugs.
  21. Thank you, Kamcho. It would be an honor to stand anywhere with you. Thank you for the hugs, as well, anniegirl. In my opinion, one can never get too many hugs.
  22. I just watched the video, and I think you did quite well. It is such a tragedy that you had to lose your Grace, and that others have attacked you; however, it is a wonderful gift that you are willing to share your story with others, in hopes that it may make others think about their actions. Bravo!
  23. I am so sorry that you had to received such terrible, horrible news on your birthday, of all days. Things just aren't fair, sometimes. Hang in there, though. Take care of yourself, as best as you can, and remember to just take slow, deep, concentrated breaths, if things get too hard.
  24. Bite your tongue, woman! (You know I love you, right?) ;D
  25. I can so relate to this, this week. From having to do yard work, to car issues, to home repairs (all of which I have had to deal with this week), I am really missing him and missing being a wife. I miss having a man around to take care of at least a few things and to share some of the responsibilities. Having to do it all has me really worn down, and I can completely understand bald tires and mail boxes being triggers.
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