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Once again, ladies and gentlemen... the F*** YOU thread

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Yep, I have been lurking for the last three months. But leave it to me to join, and debut my grief here on the Fuck You thread.

Fuck you FIL who half heartedly offered to help in any way, until I apparently called your bluff.


Fuck you Frenemy with your nuggets of wisdom along the way. Like this, " You know how I am, I had to research J's cancer. Only 12 cases in modern history. It's bad, isn't it ?"


Fuck every so called friend that can't even take the time to send a text.


Fuck that I think about sex more than a teenaged boy- wth. Why just why??


Fuck, I've been strong enough haven't I ? Why can't someone let me be weak for one flipping hour. Please let me cry in a heap, hold me and tell me it will be okay. Just for one hour.


Fuck the next person who asks about the college tours we have been on. You are kidding me right? Because apparently cancer just has a beginning and an end.


Fuck all the self absorbed people who assume that someone is stepping up to be there so they are off the hook. Not a single one.


Fuck the grief diet that did not work for me. I followed it exactly- still a size 14 here.


Thank you that was felt fucking great.









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A great big FUCK YOU to all of the people that said they were coming to my son's 12th birthday yesterday and EVERY DAMN ONE (including my family), cancelled at the last moment or didn't call at all. NOBODY came for his birthday. He was devastated.


I usually do a big family gathering for Thanksgiving....fuck all that...chucked the original plan and made reservations at a local restaurant for my Mom, myself and my kids. They are the only family I need.

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A great big FUCK YOU to all of the people that said they were coming to my son's 12th birthday yesterday and EVERY DAMN ONE (including my family), cancelled at the last moment or didn't call at all. NOBODY came for his birthday. He was devastated.


I'm going to add a big "fuck them" for such shitty behavior.  Sorry your son had to go through that.  People can be such total dicks and you're right not to put up with that ever again.



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A great big FUCK YOU to all of the people that said they were coming to my son's 12th birthday yesterday and EVERY DAMN ONE (including my family), cancelled at the last moment or didn't call at all. NOBODY came for his birthday. He was devastated.


I usually do a big family gathering for Thanksgiving....fuck all that...chucked the original plan and made reservations at a local restaurant for my Mom, myself and my kids. They are the only family I need.


Echoing a big FUCKEM to those people who did not come to your son's birthday.  My child would be devastated too.  Like you don't have enough to bear.  ((twistedmensa))


Also ((JacklessSally)) such a tough day, hope you are okay.

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A great big FUCK YOU to all of the people that said they were coming to my son's 12th birthday yesterday and EVERY DAMN ONE (including my family), cancelled at the last moment or didn't call at all. NOBODY came for his birthday. He was devastated.


I usually do a big family gathering for Thanksgiving....fuck all that...chucked the original plan and made reservations at a local restaurant for my Mom, myself and my kids. They are the only family I need.


No words....hugs to you and your son  That is completely fucked up

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This is a great short video posted in July on YouTube that you may like if you are posting in this thread.  Warning: language, not to be played aloud with kids in the room.  But so soothing!  Wish I could play it at work on a loop.  Starts to get good at 23s and 40s in, excellent by one minute...




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Thanks for sharing, canadiangirl -- that was hilarious!  After doing pretty well for about a month, I've found myself to be quite weepy the last couple of days, for no apparent reason.  This was just what I needed!


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So many thoughts here that I can relate to. I'll join you all as well.


Fuck my so called friends that can't be bothered to help me in my grief. Fuck the text messages.

Why the FUCK wouldn't they call?


Fuck my co-workers for treating me like a door mat. Fuck them for laughing at me while I



Fuck everyone who has turned me away when I have asked for help. Fuck those who said they'd

always be there and are nowhere to be found a few weeks later.


Fuck me for feeling like I've been the one who's done something wrong to them. Fuck this feeling

that I'm worthless by myself.


And FUCK I wish it was easier to handle this on my own.

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fuck that my 16 year old son had nearly get suspended from school yesterday before anyone would listen to him. WTF??? You gonna suspend a kid for CRYING over his dad?  He left the room to try to control his emotions cause he was embarrassed.  SO I went to war.  Needless to say, he is not suspended however I am still pissed.

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